Province leadership
Marist Fathers' Australian Province has its headquarters in Hunters Hill, Sydney, NSW.
The Provincial is Fr Bob Barber SM and the Vicar-provincial, Fr Peter McMurrich SM.
Marist Provincial Office
3 Mary St
Hunters Hill NSW 2110
Locked Bag 5002
Gladesville NSW 1675
Tel: +61 (2) 9844 2222
Fax: +61 (2) 9816 1737
Fr Bob:
Tel: +61 (2) 9844 2273
Fr Peter:
Tel: +61 (2) 9844 2274

Frs Bob Barber and Peter McMurrich

Marist Provincial office, Hunters Hill
Current Provincial Leadership team (Provincial Council) |
Above: Provincial Council (as at Mar 2016) from left: Frs Bob Barber (provincial), Peter McMurrich (vicar-provincial),
Paul Sullivan, Garry Reynolds and Gavin Foster. |
View of Sydney from Tarban Creek bridge, not far from the Marist provincial offices. |
International leadership
The General House of the Society of Mary is in Rome. Superior-General of the Marist Fathers is
V Rev Fr John Hannan SM.
Fr John Hannan SM
Padri Maristi
Via Alessandro Poerio 63
00152 Rome
Tel: +39 06 589 9041
Fax: +39 06 588 0812

The Society of Mary's international leadership team and the provinces and districts they have been drawn from, from left, Frs Kevin Duffy (Province of Europe), Lote Raiwalui (Province of Oceania), John Hannan (Province of Europe), Larry Duffy (Peru-Venezuela Mission District) and Alejandro Munoz (Province of Mexico), elected at the 28th General Chapter of the Marist Fathers in Sep 2009. |