August 2024 news

For previous years, go to News menu, above

This page:    Shattered peace     |     Happy feast day, Sisters     |     Academy's Online Resources     |     Farewell to three Marists     |     Fin d'Année     |     Mater Redemptoris' thirty years     |     From Darkness to Light     |     Charism & Culture     |     St Mary of the Cross     |     Euroinfo     |     Founder's birthday     |     Farewell, Fr Jim Harding     |     Fr Tony Glynn honoured     |     San Pablo revisited     |     Oceania news     |     Asia's Marist students       


Shattered peace

Sydney's August winds took toll of a large pine which collapsed across Villa Maria's mission cemetery on Aug 28. Striking the surrounding brick and metal fence of the historic cemetery at the grave of pioneer Australian Marist, Fr Joseph Herring SM, the tree shattered his otherwise peaceful resting place where he was laid in 1936. 

The tree in its own temporary resting place is pictured below.                              [Aug 31]

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Happy feast day, Sisters

On Aug 29 Marist Sisters throughout the world celebrate the birth in 1786, of their Foundress, Jeanne-Marie Chavoin.  

For something of Jeanne-Marie's story and spirit, click here                   [Aug 29]

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Above: Portrait of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin at Bon Repos, Belley, France    |   The Chavoin home at Coutouvre. Below: Jeanne-Marie is remembered in this window of her parish church at Coutouvre   |   The cellar of the Chavoin home where clandestine Masses were celebrated by priests hiding from the Revolutionaries   |   Oceanian Marists at Mass in the cellar, the second since the French Revolution.
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Academy's Online Resources

The website of the Aquinas Academy continues to offer online visitors a wealth of resources in spirituality, theology and a range of other topics. 

Updated weekly, a feature of the Academy's resources are the homilies of Fr Michael Whelan SM. Go to the Academy website: click here.  For Fr Michael's homilies, click here.

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Farewell to three Marists

In recent days we have received word of the deaths of three Marists, each with associations with the Australian Marist District.

Former provincial of the NZ Marist Province, Fr Denis O'Hagan SM, who died in Wellington on Aug 14 was one of the early members of the Marist Asia-Pacific (MAP) alliance between the Provinces of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania and the District of Asia.

Fijian Marist, Fr Fred Kado SM, after a period as a missionary in the Philippines, worked in the Australian Marist Province at Burnie, Tas, and St Patrick's, Sydney, and died in Suva on Aug 13.

Br Iosefo Cakaunivalu SM, was in 2012 a participant in one of the first Spirituality and Lifestyle programs conducted at Hunters Hill and died at Tutu, Taveuni, Fiji, on Aug 17.

After Marist lives well lived, may they each rest in peace.                              [Aug 18]

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Above, from left: Fr Denis O'Hagan, Fr Fred Kado and Br Iosefo Cakaunivalu.

Fin d'Année 

From Dakar, Senegal, school principal, Fr Steve Youm SM, has sent this message: 'I am sending you some pictures about our school in Dakar hoping that might be a way to communicate with Marists throughout the world to see what we are doing in Dakar.'

The 12-page pictorial, Fin d'Année ('end of the year'), offers a colourful glimpse of the school activities throughout the academic year of 2023-24, with editorial and captions in French.  Thank you, Fr Steve. 

To download, click here.                               [Aug 14]

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Mater Redemptoris' thirty years

From Perth, W.A.,Fr Michael Moore SM announces celebrations for the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of the Mater Redemptoris Neocatechumate seminary at Morley in 1994,  Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton will preside at an Aug 15 Eucharist at St Mary's cathedral, Perth. Congratulations, Fr Michael, staff and students (pictured below).                              [Aug 13] 

From Darkness to Light

As 'an exploration of domestic violence', this year's major event from the Marist Family JPIC Committee will be held at Hunters Hill on Sep 08. 'From Darkness to Light' will feature input from psychologist, Livia La Rocca, and DV emergency specialist,  Nicole Yade.  To download flyer, click here.  For RSVP registration, scan QR below.                            [Aug 11]

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Charism & Culture

Staff members from five Marist-associated schools gathered at Villa Maria monastery, Hunters Hill, Aug 4-9, for the annual Marist Charism and Culture immersion. The colleges represented were St John's College, Lismore, NSW, Marist Sisters College, Woolwich, NSW, Holy Cross College, Bellambi, NSW, Cerdon College, Merrylands, NSW, and Marist Regional College, Burnie, Tas.

Presentations from various members of the Marist Family offered insights into Marist spirituality, history, charism and culture, complemented by visits to nearby St Joseph's College and Marist Sisters College, Woolwich..The immersion finished with Mass in Holy Name of Mary church followed by presentation of certificates and a celebratory dinner.                                 [Aug 09] 

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 Above: MCC logo designed by the late Fr Bob Barber SM.   |   The immersion opening with a traditional barbecue in the grounds of the historic monastery.   |   Marist District Superior, Fr Tony Corcoran SM, welcoming the group in Villa Maria's Woodbury Hall.   |   Below:  Sessions inside and outside Woodbury Hall.
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Below: Small group sharings.   |   Fr Gavin Foster presides at the concluding Eucharist in Holy Name of Mary church.   |   Presentation of certificates by MCC Chair, Loretta Parker, with team member, Glenn Roff
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Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross

O God, source of all goodness, who have shown us in Saint Mary a woman of faith
living by the power of the Cross, teach us, we pray,
by her example to live the gospel in changing times
and to respect and defend the human dignity of all in our land.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.

 Collect of the Mass of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Aug 08.


The August issue of Euroinfo reports on the European Chapter, Coolock anniversary and Marist day in Walsingham. To download click here or go to Members' Page.                            [Aug 08]

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Founder's birthday

Aug 07 marks the anniversary of the birth in 1790 of Marist Founder, Jean-Claude Colin, in the tiny hamlet of Barbery, central France. Orphaned before the age of five, the shy Jean-Claude was to emerge as the leader of the Society of Mary, advisor to Popes and model of a unique way of living Mary's spirit in the revolution-torn world of his time.               [Aug 07]

  • For 'The Quiet Boy from Beaujolais' click for: scrolling  |  printing
  • For a children's 'Story of Jean-Claude Colin'click here.   
  • For 'Reluctant Saint ?', a summary update on the Cause for his Beatification, click here.   
  • For a 'Liturgy remembering Jean-Claude Colin'click here 
  • For 'A pictorial life of Jean-Claude Colin' click here
Below: Near the birthplace of Jean-Claude Colin: the forest of Barbery where the Colins would hide their parish priest from militant revolutionaries... and where a shy Jean-Claude would later take refuge for times of solace.  |  Inscription on the memorial marking the birth place of Jean-Claude Colin, Barbery, France   |   'Forget-me-not' flowers growing at the foot of the Barbery memorial.
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Farewell, Fr Jim Harding

Following Requiem Mass at Holy Name of Mary church, Hunters Hill, on Aug 06, Australian missionary, priest and doctor, Fr James Harding SM, was laid to rest in the mission cemetery of Villa Maria. The liturgy was led by Marist District Superior, Fr Tony Corcoran SM, and preceded by an evening vigil at Fr Jim's Montbel community, pictured below, with other scenes of the funeral.

For more on Fr Jim's passing and a brief summary of his life, click here.                               [Aug 06]

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Fr Tony Glynn honoured

Consul-General in Sydney, Tokuda Shuichi, was among the contingent of Japanese guests at Hunters Hill on Aug 03 to honour the memory of Marist missioner, the late Fr Tony Glynn SM. Representing parishes in Nara Prefecture, Japan, the group included local Japanese Catholics and assembled at Montbel to pay their respects as well to Fr Tony's brother, Fr Paul Glynn. Both missionaries are well known for their work in reconciliation intiatives between Australia and Japan since World War II.                                [Aug 06]

Above:  Fr Tony Glynn shortly before his death in 1994.   |   Fr Paul Glynn welcoming guests arriving at Montbel...   |   ... and at morning tea,  Below: Speeches from Consul-General Tokuda....   |     lifelong friend of Fr Tony and convert....     |   Buddhist priest, Very Rev Tsujimura Taihan Bokushi   |   Fr Jim Carty SM.   |    Japanese parliamentarian, Senator Horii Iwao with Frs Pius Jones and Paul Glynn at an exchnange of gifts.
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Below: Scenes of the visit to Fr Tony Glynn's grave in the mission cemetery of Villa Maria monastery. Prayers were led by former Japan missioner, Fr Jim Carty, and singing by renowned Japanese composer and artist, Atsuko Arai, followed by a traditional incense ceremony.
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San Pablo revisited

From the Misioneros Maristas community, Tarija, Bolivia, Australian Marist missionary, Fr John Hopkinson, writes: 'Here in Bolivia the three of us Marists [Gilberto, Javier & myself] arrived back at our Tarija residence, Casa Colin, after a 3,000 km round-trip to visit our first mission here of San Pablo in the jungle region of the Sud Yungas where we started together our missionary journey thirty-four years ago.

'It is now twenty-nine years since we left there to found our second mission in the Amazonia Boliviana and had not been back to San Pablo until now. This evening as a Marist Community we have celebrated Fourvière Day with Eucharist in our home chapel.

'In our circular letter (click here) we share our recent experience at San Pablo along with photos of our life and mission back there in the '90s and today.'

Thank you, Fr Hoppy!                          [Aug 05]

Oceania news

The latest bulletin from the Oceania Marist Province offers three pages of reports and happenings throughout the Marist Pacific. To download, click here or go to Members' Page.                              [Aug 05]

Asia's Marist students

From the St Peter Chanel formation community in Davao, southern Philippines, Fr Christopher Ganzon SM has sent photos of the sixteen young men aspiring to religious life in the Marist District of Asia.

They are pictured below in their various groups with Fr Chris and fellow formator, Fr Gil Casio SM.                             [Aug 01]

 Above: The students of St Peter Chanel's formation community, Davao, with Frs Chris Ganzon and Gil Casio.  Below: 3rd year student, Geav Heart Alvior   |   2nd year students: John Lloyd Mayormita, Joseph Nguyen, Venice Kyle Paca, George Magbanua, Matt Andrew Libatan, John Harold Tianchon.

Above:  1st year students: John Htun Htun Win, Gerson Layson II, Kyrie Jester Maglangit, Reitz Zianrey Macario, Justin Clark Monte, Jay Mark Ferrolino, Joey Trinidad, Jr, Daniel Wai Htet Kyaw, Francis Emmanuel Amolong.    |   Below:  Students from Vietnam and Myanmar, from left, John Htun Htun Win (Myanmar), Joseph Nguyen (Vietnam) and Daniel Wai Htet Kyaw (Myanmar).
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