October 2024 news

For previous years, go to News menu, above

This page:    MCC pilgrimage     |     Marist Family JPIC leadership     |     Tutu director's visit     |     SM Bulletin     |     Euroinfo     |     Superior-General's reflection     |     Jubilarians honoured     |     District Assembly begins       


MCC pilgrimage

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Marist Family JPIC leadership

At its final meeting for 2024 members of the Marist Family Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Committee chose Sr Grace Ellul SM to succeed Fr Jim Carty SM as coordinator of the group. Sr Grace brings to the role her wide experience as a missionary in Brazil and as Congregational Leader of the Marist Sisters.

The Oct 12 meeting thanked Fr Jim for his strong leadership of the Committee since its inception as an initiative of the Marist Fathers' JPIC Committee almost a decade ago.                             [Oct 13]

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Above: Marist Family JPIC Committee members, from left: Andrew Dumas,MLA (insert), Fr Jim Carty SM, Cathy Larkin (MLA), Br Lawrence McCane FMS, Sr Grace Ellul SM, Fr Kevin Stewart SM, Sr Margaret Tisch SMSM, Fr Ron Nissen SM, Fr Paul Mahony SM (insert).

Tutu director's visit

En route to Rome for the United Nations' Food & Agriculture Organisation annual planning event, Fr Petero Matairatu SM, called at Sydney and Canberra recently. As well as being director of the Tutu Rural Training Centre, Taveuni, Fiji, Fr Petero is vice-chairman of the Pacific Farmers Organisation Network representing over 99,000 farmers in Oceania including his native Fiji as well as Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and PNG. He is also convenor of the Knights of Colin, a Taveuni-based group with a special interest in the person of Marist Founder, Ven Jean-Claude Colin.

During his time in Sydney, Fr Petero visited the Marist Mission Centre, Marist confreres and relatives. Welcome and bon voyage, Fr Petero.                              [Oct 12] 

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Above: Fr Petero Matairatu   |   .... with Knights of Colin, Tutu, and novice master of the Marist International Novitiate, Fr David Sanchez (centre).   Below:  ...with Frs Floyd Gatana, Marayong, NSW. and Setefano Mataele, General Councillor, Rome.   |   .... with former missionary in Fiji, Fr Brian Wilson.   |   ... with relatives around the kava bowl, Villa Maria.   |   ... celebrating Mass in the chapel of Villa Maria monastery, once the headquarters of the Marist missions of the Pacific.   |   ... leaving for Rome.
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SM Bulletin

This week's SM Bulletin reports on final professions in Rome, Australia's Assembly and Chapter and Fr Setefano's visit to Marayong.

To download click here or go to Members' Page.                                   [Oct 11]

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The October issue of Euroinfo reports on reunions in Mexico and Lyon, Casa di Maria students in Lyon, Marist Family meeting, SMSMs in London and Marist Studies in Rome.

To download click here or go to Members' Page.                                   [Oct 11]

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Superior-General's reflection

In his reflection for October, Fr John Larsen SM, notes the final profession of six young Marists, the call to prayer for all Marists, current events and worldwide trends.  

To download click here or go to Superior-General's page.                               [Oct 05]

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Jubilarians honoured

At the conclusion of the Marist Fathers' District Assembly at Hunters Hill on Oct 04 five Marists were honoured for their jubilees of priesthood. This year's jubilarians are Frs Bernard McFadyen and Seamus McMahon (60 yrs ordained), Fr Paul Sullivan (50 yrs) and Frs Paul Hachey and Michael Rego (40 yrs). Also rememberd was District Superior, Fr Tony Corcoran, who marks 60 yrs of Marist life.

A Mass of Thanksgiving in Holy Name of Mary church, Hunters Hill, was followed by a celebratory luncheon at nearby Montbel.

Congratulations to our jublarians!                               [Oct 05]

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Above: Concelebrated Eucharist at Holy Name of Mary Church, from left, Frs Bernard McFadyen (60 yrs), Paul Pidcock, Tony Corcoran (District Superior and 60 yrs professed), Paul Sullivan (50 yrs) and Paul Hachey (40 yrs). Below, from left, Frs Paul Hachey, Paul Sullivan and Tony Corcoran and Br Terry Garrett.
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Above: At the celebratory luncheon at Montbel Fr Ray Chapman proposes a toast to the jubilarians, acknowledging their combined total of 250 years of priestly life and service.   Below:  Vote of thanks to the catering team of Lina, Chef Peter and Kerrie for the restaurant-quality meal and table service.  
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District Assembly begins

Thirty members of the Marist Fathers' District of Australia gathered at Hunters Hill on Oct 01 for their first District Assembly. 

District Superior, Fr Tony Corcoran SM, opened the gathering, welcoming Bishop Gregory Homeming OCD (Lismore Diocese), Frs Setefano Mataele (General Administration, Rome) and Lote Raiwalui (Oceania Province observer) as well as confreres from Western Australia, Queensland and the Sydney area. Chairperson for Tuesday sessions, Fr Peter McMurrich, welcomed facilitator, Paul Bullen, to the Assembly before Bishop Gregory led a morning of reflection and prayer.

An afternoon Chapter of Election chose Frs Gerard Hall and Kevin Redmond to be the District's representatives at the Society of Mary's 2025 General Chapter.

The Assembly will conclude on Oct 04 with the annual jubilarians' Mass and luncheon.                                  [Oct 01] 

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Above: Facilitator, Paul Bullen.   |   Opening session of the District Assembly.  |  Bishop Gregory Homeming.  Below: Reflection time in the parish grounds.
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